The Lands of Basale Cerr

Local Area Map

All the Lands


The Northern Realm. The Secaran people were driven from their ancient lands of the north and settled on Secara.  However, after the Sun was Stolen and then returned to the sky, Dragons came to roost on Secara.  The people therefore migrated once again, back to their ancestral lands.
The primary religion of the people of Kalicz is that of the Seven and Thirteen - a religion of Elven origin, following the works of the twenty original leaders of the Elven race.


Led by the Church of Tarim the Omnipotent, Alagner seeks to spread its faith throughout the lands.  The Church has achieved prominence in Tarras, Derva, and Quarsh; however, Kalicz has resisted the faith.  Emissaries are present nearly everywhere, attempting to spread the words of Tarim.


To the King of Alagner's shame, the Archmage - the most powerful wizard to dwell within Basale Cerr refused to kneel to Alagner and adopt the worship of Tarim.
The King of Alagner had no choice but to send an army to subjugate the Archmage.  However, somehow the Archmage created a magical barrier around the Black Forest (the forests surrounding the center of Alagner) and moved his tower to the very center of his new realm.  None have been able to enter into Calmindon, although several of the Archmage's covenant have been seen in Kalicz.


A land of farmers and shepherds, Tarras produces food, wine, and wool for all the realms.  They have good relationships with the Dwarves of the nearby Tyndalos hills.


A bold kingdom, led by the young king Arethic the second, Alladore is a kingdom on the defensive, trying to protect its borders from the Shadow Deep - a malevolent force that consumed its southern neighbor, Lorenthia, turning it into an inhospitable nightmare realm.


The kingdom of elves.  Silent, private, and not welcoming, Risenland stands strong in the face of all who have attempted to conquer it.  It is currently involved in a war with the other Elven kingdom, Viiressemar.
The Elves formerly revered the Seven and Thirteen, but have abandoned that religion, turning instead to worship of the Great Tree That Binds - the tree that grants life to all things in Basale Cerr, that nourishes all living creatures, and that protects the world from the horrors beyond the  


 The southern Elves, Viiressemaran Elves have turned their attention away from worship of the Great Tree That Binds and the Seven and Thirteen.  They are private and highly xenophobic, not allowing any into their borders, except as slaves.


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