
Showing posts from 2021

Campaign Turn 12 - Back on Hesione - Keast Gets His

The crew sat nervously on the bridge of the Renegade Pigeon, The course back to Hesione was plotted, all nav plans logged, and all approvals granted.  Jaxx needlessly gripped the manual controls, although the computer was navigating much better than any human could. Selene was the only one not on the bridge.  She was in the armory making sure all their weapons were maintained and ready to go. The ship approached the jump point, and the computer engaged the FTL drive.  In an instant, the stars blacked out, the void opened up, and then, the stars of the Hesione system appeared. Almost immediately upon jumping in, alarms started to chime on the Pigeon's control board.  "Jaxx - it's a distress call.  Scanners say debris field with an escape pod.  Plus 2 days for pickup.  We have to, don't we?" "Yes, Kazi, we have to divert."  Jaxx turned to the rest of the crew, "Get some rest - we have a rescue, and then we make for Hesione at full burn." The ship

Campaign Turn 11 - Shan-2 - Keast Makes His Play

The crew was sitting in the food court area of the smallest, filthiest, quietest area of the tertiary spaceport on Shan-2, an iceball world in the Actogar system.  Low population of mining folk; good place to hide out for a bit. As they were finishing their meal at the Astro Burner Taqueria, Selene, always watchful, noticed something.  A group of Unity Grunts were talking to a well-dressed (and quite out of place) person, just at the edge of vision.  Jaxx tuned his communicator to the "bionic ear" setting, and listened. "Yes, Sergeant, I am sure these are the miscreants that opened up Native City WY445902 whatsit on Hesione.  These anarchists cost you good men." "We don't have warrants or any evidence." "All taken care of, Sergeant."  The well-dressed man slipped the Sergeant a thick packet - the sort used to hold Creds.   "I guess this is authorization enough.  Ok, men - these anarchists caused a number of our brothers and sisters their

Playtesting Five Parsecs Expansion 2 - Crew Build and Campaign Turn 1

I was given the opportunity to do some playtesting of Five Parsecs expansion 2, and of course, I jumped at the chance. In order to give the expansion a fair playtest, I rolled up a new crew.  While I am avoiding all house rules (of which I don't have very many anyway), I did decide to specifically choose three of the four Crew in the campaign. Playtest Campaign Crew Size: 4 No Story Track Victory Condition: Upgrade a single character 10 times Difficulty Mode:  Challenging Crew: From Left to Right:  Captain Huey, Dewey the Nirn, Louey the Psionicist and Phil the Bot. (note that stats are actually post-Turn 1} Captain Huey :  Skulker from an Orphan Utility Program, motivated by Adventure, now a Bounty Hunter R 1; S 7"; CS +0; T 3; Sv +1 XP 3 Blade  Range: Brawl; Shots: --; Damage +0  MELEE Military Rifle  Range: 24"; Shots 1; Damage +0 Sonic Emitter - Enemy within 5" is -1 to hit Dewey :  Nirn from a Low-Tech Colony, motivated by Loyalty to the Nirn, now a Bounty Hunte

Campaign Turn 10 - Hesione - Someone isn't happy with us....

The Crew was working in the ship, getting everything shipshape before heading out to try to solve the mystery of Kazi and Vonthos' medallions.  Jaxx was on the bridge with Ginerva, going over everything - as an Empath, she could feel her way through flight better than Jaxx could, but she needed some training on the simulator first. Vonthos was returning from an errand and was about to enter the ship, when a chirp from his chron registered an alert on the bridge.  Jaxx turned on all exterior cameras, and saw that Vonthos was laying on the ground, apparently knocked out by a pair of Rage Lizard mercenaries.  More mercs were preparing to breach the other two entrances to the Pigeon. Jaxx hit the alarm "Heads up gang - Keast really, really doesn't like us.  Mercs inbound!" Overhead view of the Renegade Pigeon Mercs to the left (poor Vonthos) Mercs to the rear Mercs to the right And Jaxx and Ginerva on the bridge The warning gave the crew time to prepare a bit - as they we

Bug Hunt - Kethira Station, Actogor System

I didn't want to 3d print 20 or so "Slithering Horrors", so I decided to try this turn in Roll 20.  Created some quick macros to help, uploaded some tokens, and went at it.  Based on the results, I should have stuck with dice and minis.... "Ok, Team - Listen Up", Dude said, her voice shaky, "We have our next mission.  Kethira station in the Actogor system has been infested by some kind of alien goop-creatures.  We go in, burn them, get out." "Dude, calm down.  I know Gunny left, but it's just us." Kevin said. "Quiet down, Kevin.  Here's the layout of the station.  We hit these three spots, kill as many things as we can, and call for evac.  We're bringing my incinerator, Flamey, and grenades.  Now suit up, and move out." The team moved in, securing  the entrance.  Blips all over.  The team advanced, getting through the main doorway, burning and shooting their way through many of the Slithering Horrors.  Dude and Vile stay

Bug Hunt - Aethra System - Escaped Experiments, Kirs Station, What in the name of Ghu is that?

The inner airlock door opened.  In the distance stood 3 men in odd robes, and a huge, tentacled beast.  "You are too late - we have brought her back.  The fool scientists thought only to research her frozen corpse, but we knew - we knew she was still alive.  She called to us welcomed us, and now - and now - we shall eat the world!" The large beast moved upright, disconnecting the cables and sensors from its body with a swipe of one of its tentacles, it's five great maws snapping open and shut.   One tentacle wrapped around the Cultist leader, who screamed as he was thrown into the beast's open maw.  The other cultists paused, not sure whether to attack the Squad or the Beast. The beast's shriek cut through the air, and the cultists, deciding that the squad might show mercy, turned their weapons on the beast. Kevin and Dude moved up, firing as they did, but their shots, while hitting, had no effect.  The beast lashed out at the first cultist, grabbing him and devou

Bug Hunt - Aethra System - Escaped Experiments, Kirs Station, Going even deeper

"Kraff!  More industrial mess.  Oh well, team - we're alone, but we have grenades.  We have to move through this sector, grab a security key the brainiacs left laying about, then make it to the big gate.  Once there, we go through, and we should be at the control center." "Then we kill whatever's causing this mess, and go home." The squad ventured through the labyrinthian levels of the base.  Tentacled creepers slithered around, but the squad, with help from Dude's incinerator and some well placed grenades, made short work of them. "This is easy - too easy" Kevin said. "These things are so slow, they just can't catch us." "Shut it Kevin - don't press our luck." "We'd be luckier if you called me Kid" "Shut it Kevin" The squad found the security key, and with military precision, made it to the big gate, opening it and stepping through. "What's an airlock doing here?" Dude said as t

Bug Hunt - Aethra System - Escaped Experiments, Kirs Station, Going deeper

"We got power up, and the locks cleared", Gunny said, "but the way isn't clear.  We have to get through Lambda Sector and engage the lift.  Myself, Kevin, Dude, Sergeant Samtar and Fire Team Zeta Septus will head through Lambda sector and activate the lift so we can get down to the depths.  Any questions?"  "Can you start calling me 'Kid' instead of 'Kevin'?" "Shut it, Kevin.  Gear up, we move in 15." The team moves through - finding mutated versions of the creatures above, that grapple and pin troopers to the spot. The group was getting swamped.  Pings all over the place.  "Gunny - go ahead; we'll lure them and trash 'em", the Corporal leading Zeta Septus said.  "Roger, and thanks." Gunny replied, knowing he probably would never see the boys again. Advancing forward, the team came to an intersection.  More of the things were creeping their way.  "Go go go" Samtar said, as he braced his sh