
Showing posts from January, 2020

Rangers of Shadow Deep - The Missing - The Infected Trees

Cast of Characters: Serrol of Lorenthia, Ranger Sakalas, Archer Cadderly, Conjurer Smootley, Ranger Karyn, Conjurer Robin, Archer [Since The Missing went so easily, we decided to play The Infected Trees with "Challenge Mode" on.] Taking just enough time to bind Robin's wounds, and build a pyre for the dead, Serrol, Smootley and their teams followed the strange tracks from the village into the nearby woods.  Tracking the spiders, the group discovered heavily webbed trees, and egg cocoons - this must be the spider's nesting spot.  The nests must be destroyed, or other villages will share the fate of the village of Zanci. Smootley and his team of companions took the west path; Serrol and his companions headed in on the east.   Smootley and his team had a reasonably clear path to the nest trees - only a single spider in their way.  Their focus was to be to get to the nest trees and set them ablaze, investigating what cocoons they could

Rangers of Shadow Deep - The Missing - The Deserted Village

Cast of Characters: Serrol of Lorenthia, Ranger Sakalas, Archer Cadderly, Conjurer Smootley, Ranger Karyn, Conjurer Robin, Archer The rumors were swirling around the camp - "Aventine is missing".  Ranger Aventine left camp a few days ago, and should have returned by now.  Serrol approached the Captain, a grizzled veteran named Starec. "Captain - I volunteer to lead the search for Aventine.   We can't leave him out there." "Aventine has led many missions; I don't want to lose another Ranger.  I have already selected Ranger Smootley to lead the search, but since we do not know what happened to Aventine, it will not hurt to send another.  You leave in an hour." Serrol walked to the common hall, and with a gaze, gathered Sakalas and Cadderly.  "Grab your gear - we leave in an hour."  Both Sak and Cadderly nodded. Stopping only to suit up and kiss his wife and daughter farewell, Serrol returned to the gates, where

Rangers of ShadowDeep - Finally Launching the Campaign

Tomorrow, I get together with a friend to start our Rangers of Shadow Deep campaign.  So, of course, I had to take a picture of my team.  And then, this morning, I decided to shuffle some things about (making his stats match his miniature better, which left him with fewer Recruitment Points), so Sova the owl will not be joining Serrol on his adventures. From left to right: Serrol of Lorenthia , Ranger. When Serrol and his family escaped the destruction of Lorenthia, the first Alladorean Ranger they met was Aventine.  Now, that Aventine is missing, Serrol has volunteered to track him down and aid him however he can. Sakalas , Archer.  Sakalas and his cousin, Carovnik grew up together in the village of Pannon, near the border with Lorenthia.  After Carov was invited to study at the Cascades, Sakalas quickly bored of the village life, and headed to the city of Porterik, where he fell in with a band of thieves.  Sak was in the dungeon for theft when word of Lorenthia's loss reach

Rangers of Frostgrave - Alone in the Crypt

Just for fun, I’ve decided to run Perilous Dark using the Rangers of Shadow Deep rules, continuing my “Rangers of Frostgrave” storyline.  I previously played my Ranger, Serrol, and his companions through Dark Alchemy.  I then took two of Serrol’s companions, the conjuror Carov and the Archer Sak through the “The  Big Score” scenario from Spellcaster 5 - in that scenario, Carov went to 0 health, and Sak harvested the dragon’s liver and fled, returning to Alladore with Serrol (I posted the writeup of these adventures on Facebook earlier). I was pondering converting Carov to a Frostgrave Wizard and running him through Perilous Dark with Frostgrave rules, but, quite frankly, I enjoy Rangers of Shadow Deep a bit more.  So, I’m promoting Carov to a Ranger (primarily a spellcasting Ranger) and am going to run him through that way.  After I try him out in Alone in the Crypt….. The last thing Carov remembered was the ghoul, its foul breath to his face - his thick gloves the only thing keepi

Rangers of Frostgrave - The Big Score

As they break their fast the next morning, Carov spent his time pouring over the Grimoire.  His face crestfallen, he looks at Serrol and says, "We have the book, but we may still have lost - the main ingredient in the antidote is the liver of a Dragon.  A Dragon, Serrol!" From across the room, a rough voice almost shouts in glee "Do my ears deceive me?  A Dragon!  By the many and one, I hunt such a beast, and could use a strong hand - if the stories are true, and you survived the Alchemical Factory, I could use you!"  The group looks over, and sees a shockingly short person in worn clothes. "Looks can be deceiving, my good sirs!  I am a Dwarf of the warrens, and there are none tougher!".  Serrol looks at Sak and Carov, who both nod.  "Sak and Carov will go with you, but I must remain here."  Crestfallen, the Monster Hunter says "Ah, better than nothing - hopefully you're tougher than the last crew." "The last crew?"  S

Rangers of Frostgrave - Dark Alchemy - Scenario 3 - The Spreading Flames

The group makes it out of the complex, breathing hard, with only Serrol being burnt by a skeleton.  As they quickly pause, he casts his heal spell on himself, and takes the Grimoire back from Victor.  They breath a sigh of relief, as they can now see the stars, as well as small fires burning throughout this area.  From the lore they heard in the Inn, there were vast amounts of volatile alchemical compounds created here.  With the fires all around, there is no time to tarry..... [Once again, I am resetting spells/heroic abilities and keeping existing wounds.  Given this scenario for Frostgrave is pure treasure-gathering against a clock, and that does not fit in with the storyline, I've made a few modifications to the scenario - In the scenario, the Heroes can exit at any time; for this scenario, they can not exit until they get at least half-way down the map.  To support this, I have placed walls out to about 20". And if the person carrying the grimoire (at the start, Serr

Rangers of Frostgrave - Dark Alchemy - Scenario 2 - Skeletal Run

After escaping the alchemical monstrosity, Serrol and his team needed to escape the ruin and head back to Alladore.  They found themselves in the ruins of a long complex filled with broken pipes and giant vats.  Pausing to take a breath, Serrol said "We must get this book to Alladore - nothing can come in our way."  Suddenly, a flickering light caught their eyes, and the scraping of ancient bones filled their ears.  "Run!" [For this scenario, I am resetting my ranger's heroic abilities and my conjurer's spells, but not restoring any wounds.  While there are clues/treasures in this area, since the group found the Grimoire in the first scenario, they now just have to escape.] Serrol and Victor charged ahead, with Carov and Sak following behind, providing cover.  Skeletons, burning with alchemical fire, appeared and started to follow the party, promising a horrible, burning death.  One made it to Sak, who was able to cut it down. As they continued to m

Rangers of Frostgrave - Dark Alchemy - Scenario 1 - Alchemical Monstrosity

Arriving at the frigid port, Serrol took another look at the letter he was given before setting sail. "You are being sent to the cursed city of Felstad.  The scholars at The Cascades have identified the poison used to kill the old king.  We know of no cure.  However, they found lore that this poison was created in the city of Feldstad, before its fall.  You must travel there to an old alchemical factory, and search for any information on this poison, and a cure.  The journey will take months - we know you seek to avenge Lorenthia, but if King Arethic falls to this same poison, all is lost." Serrol left Alladore at night, accompanied by the Conjurer Carov, the Archer Sak, and the Axeman (Swordsman) Victor.  They arrived at the Felstad docks at night, following directions to an inn on the outskirts of the cursed city.  There, he paid good Alladorian gold to buy a rough map to this factory. I played the first scenario twice, just to get used to the rules, but don't want

A Beginning

I've been posting pictures and tales of my recent adventures with the skirmish games Rangers of Shadow Deep and Frostgrave on Facebook.  But, the stories and photos get lost in the volume, so I thought I would create a simple blog to keep everything together.  I plan to gather together the tales I have already posted first, and will continue with the storytelling. And we shall see where this goes.  Probably nowhere, but heck.